Curriculum Specialist STEM
Email Sarah
Office: 814-940-0223 Ext. 1364



Teams of high school students from across the state will be challenged to research, present, and design a device or project that can make the quality of life better for the citizens of Pennsylvania. The device will accomplish a series of practical tasks that can be translated into real-life needs. High school teams will receive a $600 stipend to design and build a prototype of their device.

In identifying and researching a team’s authentic problem, students will engage with their local communities to learn about STEM-related careers. Developing solutions to problems rooted in the community will build the skills necessary for students to be successful in postsecondary STEM opportunities.

To culminate the experience, students will be asked to present their findings and explain the practical applications of their device to a panel of judges. The challenge will test teams’ communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills while providing a unique opportunity to share their creativity with students across the state.

The competition is open to students in grades 9 through 12 attending public, charter, private, and career and technical education centers in Pennsylvania. Schools will select a team of up to five students. Students will work under the guidance of a teacher mentor approved by the school.

PA Governor's STEM Competition Website

Registration will be available in the fall.


  • Round one is virtual and your team will have to upload a video and other artifacts.

    State Finals are in person.

    Option A: STEM Prototype with Digital Poster 

    • This option is for those who wish to have the opportunity to participate in-person at the State Finals. 

    • STEM Prototype with Digital Poster Scoring Components

      • Written Proposal: Minimum 500, Maximum 2,000-word document.

      • Video Presentation: 10-minute minimum, 20-minute maximum recorded presentation.

      • Digital Poster demonstrates the scientific and engineering process that students engaged in while designing the team’s prototype.

    • Project submissions are categorized in one of two divisions:

      • Division 1: Those who competed in the STATE COMPETITION in the last 5 years.

      • Division 2: Those who have not competed in the STATE COMPETITION in the last 5 years.

    • Top 20 projects will advance to the State Finals at PaTTAN Harrisburg

    Option B: Digital Poster

    • The purpose for creating a Digital Poster is to demonstrate the scientific and engineering process students engaged in, while developing and designing their school’s STEM class, program, or club.

    • Option B is for those teams who do not wish to participate in-person. 

    • School teams will submit their posters digitally.  

      • Posters will be printed by PaTTAN, displayed at Finals, and then mailed to school teams. 

    • No formal judging will occur for posters submissions.

    • Digital badges and Certificates of Participation will be provided to participating student teams.

    • A maximum of 5 students are permitted to work and submit a poster.

    • Approved mentors are not permitted to contribute to the development or creation of digital components for the team’s poster. 

    Click here to find out more.