Supervisor/Educational Consultant
Email Brad
Office: 814-472-7690 Ext. 2304
A program approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) that is designed to provide a temporary placement for disruptive students in grades 6 through 12. Students placed in an AEDY Program continue to make academic progress towards graduation and work to remedy disruptive behavior through counseling and other behavioral interventions. AEDY placements are used only as a last resort, after all other behavioral interventions have failed to remedy the student's disruptive behavior(s).
Disruptive Student
As defined by the Public School Code (24 P.S. § 19-1901-C(5)), a student in grades 6 through 12:
who poses a clear threat to the safety and welfare of other students or the school staff; or
who creates an unsafe school environment; or
whose behavior materially interferes with the learning of other students or disrupts the overall educational process.
Additionally, the student must exhibit to a marked degree any or all of the following conditions:
Disregard for school authority, including persistent violation of school policy and rules.1
Display or use of controlled substances on school property or during school-affiliated activities.
Violent or threatening behavior on school property or during school-affiliated activities.
Possession of a weapon on school property, as defined by the Crimes Code at 18 Pa.C.S. § 912 (relating to possession of weapon on school property).
Commission of a criminal act on school property or during school-affiliated activities.
Misconduct that would merit suspension or expulsion under school policy.
Days and Annual Hours of Operation
AEDY Programs must operate five days per week, at least 180 school days per year, and provide a minimum of 990 hours of instruction per year or 27.5 hours per week. Program applications that do not satisfy the following requirements will not be accepted by the online system. In the event a program cannot meet the requirements, you must contact the AEDY Office.
The required 990 hours must include at least:
20 hours of academic instruction including:
Social studies
English/Language Arts
Health or Life Skills
2.5 hours of counseling.
Electives (Effective 2019/20 School Year).
Note: Electives must be offered within the AEDY Program.Implementation of an evidence-based behavior modification program.
PDE recommends that AEDY Programs maintain the same schedule and hours of operation as the regular education setting. By aligning AEDY Program and LEA hours, AEDY students are able to transition back to the regular education setting in an efficient manner.
CLICK HERE for the Department of Education AEDY homepage.